ON STAGE AT RVCC: The Story of Anne Frank with Bright Star Theatre. in person at RVCC and streaming online. World War II was a desperate and intense time for everyone, but it was especially devastating to the Jewish people living under Nazi rule. Through direct accounts from Anne Frank’s diary and the heartfelt retelling of her story by her father, Otto, this production offers an engaging and accessible approach to one of history’s darkest chapters. The courage of Anne Frank and her family is the story of the strength of the human spirit in the most challenging times. There is no fee to attend. This program is open to the students and the community Grades 6 & up. Register Herehttps://raritanval-edu.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_8IS1S5P4T0mW2ovheD2Q9g#/registration
Sponsor: The Jewish Federation of West-Central New Jersey