A leading expert on biblical thought and modern Jewish theology, Dr. Benjamin D. Sommer (Jewish Theological Seminary of America) will discuss his most recent book, "Revelation & Authority: Sinai in Jewish Scripture and Tradition," a finalist for the National Jewish Book Award. He will focus on one of the most important, yet least understood, doctrines of Judaism, the Oral Torah. He will address how the Talmudic rabbis understood it, how it relates to the written Torah, and how modern Jewish thinkers have adapted it. The lecture is free and open to the public. Free parking is available. RSVP requested: csjlrsvp@rci.rutgers.edu or 848-932-2033. More information at http://BildnerCenter.Rutgers.edu.
Sponsor: The Allen and Joan Bildner Center for the Study of Jewish Life at Rutgers University