
28 2015

Right in our Backyard: The Drug Addiction Epidemic in Suburbia

7:00PM - 9:00PM  

Temple Sholom 594 North Bridge Street
Bridgewater, NJ 08807

The program will feature a showing of the original documentary, From Pills to Heroin: The Domino Effect, produced by the Safe Communities Coalition, with interviews and true life stories from local residents who have been affected by prescription drug and heroin addiction. The documentary screening will be followed by an interactive discussion and question and answer session with a panel of experts including an addiction specialist, a parent advocate, law enforcement, a student assistance counselor, an individual who has lost a friend to addiction and an individual in recovery.
This free event is open to all. Parents and students in 8th grade and above are especially encouraged to attend to learn about local statistics, safe and accessible ways to seek guidance and what they can do to prevent drug and alcohol abuse in the community. Several community organizations will be on hand to provide resources and information on local treatment and prevention services. Registration is encouraged but walk ins are welcomed. To register or for more information, contact JFS at 908-725-7799, admin@JewishFamilySvc.org or www.JewishFamilySvc.org.

Sponsor: Jewish Family Service of Somerset, Hunterdon and Warren Counties