
9 2022

Lifelong Learning: Jewish Bioethics During a Global Pandemic

10:30AM - 12:00PM  

Contact Lynn Anne Cutler
732-356-8777 x106

$ Cost $ 10.00

Join us for a discussion of the Jewish Bioethics of COVID-19 response with Rabbi Gary Gerson and Dr. Carol Roberts Gerson. What do our Jewish texts tell us about the approaches we might take to crisis decision making during a global pandemic?

We will review some of these approaches, debate which we feel are ethical, and look at how a variety of Jewish sources would have us address ethically difficult decisions.

This Lifelong Learning program is being offered virtually via Zoom; admission is free for members of Temple Har Shalom and TOA @ MTS families, and $10 for community participants. Registrants will receive the Zoom meeting link in advance of the program, at the email address provided during registration.

Register at this address: https://tinyurl.com/bioethicsreg

Sponsor: Lifelong Learning at Temple Har Shalom