
24 2021

From Swastika to Jim Crow an Online Discussion with Dr. Lillie Edwards

10:00AM - 11:00AM  

Contact Michelle Edgar
908.526.1200 x8735

This presentation, facilitated by Dr. Lillie Edwards,  broadens our understanding of the film previously presented, From Swastika to Jim Crow. This film tells the story of German-Jewish refugee scholars, who, expelled from their German universities by Hitler and the Nazis, found positions at Historically Black Colleges and universities in the American South. Dr. Edwards’s lecture will explore the international, national, institutional, and personal histories that connected Jewish refugee scholars and their families to Black college students, faculty, and communities; racial segregation and violence; as well as antisemitism in the U.S. and Europe. This program is co-sponsored by The Paul Robeson Institute for Ethics, Leadership, and Social Justice at RVCC. 


Sponsor: The Jewish Federation of Somerset, Hunterdon, & Warren Counties