
12 2024

Bored, Bothered and Bewildered: The Prayer Service Doesn’t Do It For Me

7:00PM - 8:00PM  

Temple Beth El of Hillsborough, NJ 67 US Highway 206
Hillsborough, NJ

Contact Michael Einiger

Four Sessions with Rabbi Katz: Tuesday, November 12 & 19, December 3 & 10

Billions of people on this planet pray every day. They are hoping to connect to the Creator of Life. Obviously, they find great benefit in the discipline of prayer. The “Regulars” at services seemed to have found their spiritual home. Yet for many, the language of the prayer book feels foreign and archaic even though familiar melodies can whisper, beckon and draw one close. This year will it be tedium or transformation, boredom or the building of belief?

In this four-part series we will learn about the meaning behind the prayers and the strategies developed through the centuries to build a relationship with the Creator of All Being. It is possible for prayer to come alive for everyone. Register here.