The Wilf Campus for Senior Living is holding a Zoom program with oncologist Dr. Michael Nissenblatt – Remember Your Grandparents – on Sunday, August 22 at 7:00 pm. Dr. Nissenblatt is board certified in internal medicine and medical oncology and a Clinical Professor of Medicine at Rutgers Robert Wood Johnson Medical School, New Brunswick, NJ. In this presentation, Dr. Nissenblatt will discuss the human predicament - that we are probably the only living things which can foresee our end. Given this truth, how can we still have hope for the future? What strategies keep us optimistic and productive? What is the role of upbringing and family in this perception? Why has this been a cultural priority? Why is the pandemic good? Just what is this strange eternal message?
To register for the program, visit https://www.wilfcampus.org/events/Nissenblatt/ or call 732-649-3502, ext. 104. A link to the program will be emailed to registrants before the program.
Sponsor: Wilf Campus for Senior Living