Overnight Jewish Summer Camp and Israel Experience Scholarships
About the Scholarship
The Jewish Federation of West-Central New Jersey is pleased to offer a Scholarship Program designed to promote attendance at overnight Jewish camp and Israel programs.
The scholarship program is need-blind and is only available to qualifying Jewish individuals between the ages of 6 and 18 who live in either Somerset, Hunterdon or Warren counties. Applicants must be first-time campers at a recognized Jewish overnight camp or first-time visitors to Israel with a recognized youth program. Family trips to Israel are not eligible. Scholarships are available only for the first year of camp or for a first visit to Israel with a youth group (excluding Birthright Israel). Individuals are eligible for only one scholarship, either camp or an Israel experience. For example, if an individual has received a scholarship to attend their first year of summer camp, and in a subsequent summer decides to attend a program in Israel, they are not eligible for a scholarship for the program in Israel.
Scholarships are available on a first come, first served basis based on the date and time of the receipt of their completed application by the Jewish Federation office. The scholarship program for this year will end when the moneys allocated to this program are all awarded.
If you wish to donate to this fund so more children can take advantage of this wonderful opportunity, please call Robin Freedman-Kramer at 908.758.2001 or email her at rkramer@jfedwcnj.org and she will be glad to assist you.
The schedule of scholarship amounts is as follows:
Programs of fewer than 7 days are not eligible for scholarships.
Qualified Camps/Israel Programs
For a camp/program to qualify it must:
EITHER be approved or sponsored by a JCC/Yeshiva or one of the four major Jewish movements (Orthodox, Conservative, Reform or Reconstructionist)
OR publicly advertise itself as a Jewish overnight camp/Israel program and meet two or more of the following criteria.
The camp/Israel program must:
follow kosher dietary laws or provide kosher meals upon request
provide for Shabbat with services on Friday night and/or Saturday morning
offer programs of Jewish content such as: cultural programs, Hebrew, and Israel awareness
be an approved camp by the Foundation for Jewish Camp
of campers, as adults are more likely to attend synagogue at least once a month
of campers are more likely to feel very emotionally attached to Israel
How to Apply
Once your camper is accepted by an approved Jewish Overnight Summer Camp or Israel Youth Program, please complete the online application or download the PDF application and mail it into the JFEDWCNJ office. Completed applications must be submitted by Monday, March 31st. Late applications will not be accepted. Again, once the available funds are all awarded, there will be no more scholarships available for this year. Applications will be reviewed based on the order received.
Once your request for a scholarship has been granted, please forward an invoice from the camp/Israel program. All grants will be paid directly to the qualified program.
Please note that Jewish Federation of West-Central New Jersey makes every effort to provide scholarships to qualified applicants but reserves the right to decline any application and has no obligation to and cannot award scholarships in excess of available funds committed for this purpose.
Have a question? Email us!
For any general questions about Jewish Federation of West-Central New Jersey’s Overnight Jewish Camp and Israel Experience Scholarship Program or for questions regarding the application, please contact us at info@jfedshaw.org or 908.758.2006
The Nathan and Ruth Feldstein Israel Travel Fund at the Jewish Community Foundation of Greater Mercer
An additional scholarship to Israel is available through our partnership with the Jewish Community Foundation of Greater Mercer.
The Feldstein Israel Travel Fund was established to provide financial assistance each year to one or more eligible students from the local community wishing to travel and study in Israel. The scholarship amount is typically in the $500-$1,000 range, and a grant of this amount is made to the nonprofit organization overseeing the travel program of the student.
Please note that all eligible students must meet the following criteria:
(1) The student should be in high school, ideally having completed the 10th or 11th grade, and participated in high school level (or equivalent) Jewish studies
(2) The student should ideally have a demonstrated financial need for the scholarship, and the student’s family should provide a nominal contribution toward the funding of the trip
(3) The student’s trip should be devoted to study and travel, or a work-study experience
(4) The student will share about their travel experience with peers and community upon their return