
28 2020

Streit's Matzo and the American Dream

7:05PM - 9:00PM  

$ Cost $ 10.00

Oct 28, 2020

7:05 PM - 9:00 PM
Discounted Member: $10.00 | Fee: $10.00

Become a patron:
75$/household includes all 4 films (The Women's Balcony, Run Boy Run, Dough, and Streit's Matzo and the American Dream), one food item of the evening specified (falafel dinner for one person, $15/additional dinner/person). To register as a Patron, call the JCC Welcome Center at 908.443.9018

Ala Carte Pricing:
$10/household/film only or $20/person includes the film and one food item of the evening. Register online at ssb.jcc.org or call 908.443.9018