Jewish Family Service of Somerset, Hunterdon and Warren Counties is offering a Job Seekers Success Group for active job seekers who are unemployed, underemployed or seeking a career change. The next group will be held on Wednesday, March 6, 2019 from 7:00-9:00 p.m. at JFS, 150-A West High Street, Somerville, NJ.
The topic for this session is “How Do You Measure Your Job Search Success?” presented by John Hadley, Career Search Counselor, JHA Careers. Many in a job search get stuck in busy mode, working hard all week long on their search, but not knowing whether what they are doing is getting them where they need to go, or at the rate it could be. Just by tracking a few key activities, you can start to tell which are truly effective, and which are just sucking up valuable time and resources. This will position you to make sure that everything you are doing is actually productive, and by following progress over time, you can evaluate how much the tweaks you make to your process are really helping your search.
In this interactive session, John Hadley ( will help us identify the key activities we should be tracking, and then develop a tracking mechanism, so we can continually improve the results of our own searches.
John Hadley is the principal at John Hadley Associates ( He coaches job seekers one-on-one on strategies and skills that enable them to tap into the 'hidden' job market and find the best jobs now. He also works with professionals struggling to become and be recognized as influential leaders. His Career Tips newsletter brings expert advice on marketing yourself to 9,500 subscribers; find out more at
This group is offered free of charge and is open to the entire community. Funding for this program is provided by grants from The Arnold A. Schwartz Foundation, United Way of Hunterdon County and Magyar Bank. To register for this session or for information about Career Counseling Services, please contact Elise Prezant at 908-725-7799 X108 or
Sponsor: Jewish Family Service of Somerset, Hunterdon and Warren Counties